Protect Your Team

Protect your team—and your work as an organization—with liability coverage for medical costs, lost wages, and more for injuries and illnesses related to your work. LG Risk Management helps you care for your employees when challenges arise, shields you from the financial burden of medical bills, and helps avoid costly fines with expansive, competitive coverage.

LG Risk Management keeps you going when employees incur work-related injuries or illnesses. We put together the best coverage options with your needs in mind, balancing potential exposures with profitability.

Our Philosophy 

No two businesses are alike, which means no two workers’ compensation insurance policies should be alike. We keep you and your team protected with thoughtful coverage to care for your employees and balance your bottom line.

While Worker’s Compensation coverage may be statutory in most states and provides coverage for employees injured during work; typical coverage can be costly, mistakes are too common, claim payouts can become exorbitant, employee injuries can become rampant all leading to higher costs for the business. LG Risk Management puts our clients back in the driver seat, when it comes to controlling worker’s compensation costs. We are able to provide our client’s concierge service with the added benefit of reducing worker’s compensation claims payout and frequencies. We provide the following services when reviewing worker’s compensation coverage for our clientele:

  • Loss Cost Review and Analysis
  • Experience Modification Review & Analysis
  • Implementation of Safety Programs to reduce claim frequency
  • Addition of Return to work programs to reduce claim payout(s)
  • Rate & Classification Corrections
  • Multi-State Programs Offered
  • Safety Programs
  • Dividend Programs
  • Retrospective Rating Programs
  • Deductible Programs
  • Self-Insurance Programs