Category: life insurance
How to Promote Life Insurance to Employees Under the Age of 40
If you’re like the many organizations that we help with their employee benefit packages, investing substantial resources to put together attractive benefits packages for employees is key to attracting talent. And one popular, but often under-utilized benefit, when trying to entice the promise of financial security for loved ones, is life insurance.
Understanding How Indexed Universal Life Insurance Works
Many people see life insurance as a simple, straightforward protection policy that pays out a sum to beneficiaries upon the death of the policyholder. However, life insurance can also be a far more dynamic product. To start, there are two main types of life insurance policies: term life, which lasts only for a fixed period…
Key Person Life Insurance
In addition to proper coverage, Key Person Life Insurance can create a business continuation plan that outlines how your business will function if you lose key employees.
Life Insurance Medical Exams: What You Need to Know
When applying for life insurance, you will probably have to undergo a medical exam to identify any health conditions that could potentially shorten your life and subsequently determine your premium. These exams are completed by paramedical health care professionals who are hired by the insurance company—with all exam costs covered by the insurance company as…
Pros & Cons of Return-of-Premium Life Insurance
Life insurance is a valuable component of a benefits strategy, as it has been shown to be held in high value by employees. According to the U.S. Bureau of Labor Statistics, of the 58% of private industry workers who are offered life insurance benefits by their employers, 97% choose to enroll.
How to Use Life Insurance to Fund Buy-Sell Agreements
There are many benefits that a buy-sell agreement can provide for you and your company. Here’s a quick overview on the basics of a buy-sell agreement along with the types of available plans.